Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 18th Birthday Amanda!

Amanda,Dad,and Laura
Amanda's 1st Birthday

Amanda's 2nd birthday
Amanda's 3rd birthday

Amanda's 1st trip to Disney 9 weeks old

Amanda in her Easter hat

Amanda and Angela in Colorado
Southwick Beach
Clay Panthers Cheerleader
Amanda at Pikes Peak
Amanda's 1st day of kindergarten
Amanda and Denise

Amanda celebrated her 18th birthday on January 21st. It doesn't seem that long that we celebrated her 1st birthday. I remember she hated getting cake on her hands, and would cry until I wiped them off. She really didn't enjoy her 2nd or 3rd birthday's either, it must have been our singing! Here are some pictures of our very beautiful and always fashionable daughter. Happy 18th Birthday Amanda Denise!

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