Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We started out over at Lisa and Mike's house on Christmas Eve. Lisa had a wonderful dinner for us, and it was so much fun to see the excitement in Sam, Elizabeth and Olivia's eyes as they talked about Santa coming. Now that our girls are older, Christmas has lost some of that magic, but being with the kids brought some of that back. Baby Michael was so cute,he just smiled and looked at everyone. It was nice to celebrate Christmas with Donna and Paul, although they missed spending it with their kids and grandkids, (you guys will have them next year). Mom and Dad were in their glory having us all around, however all the rest of their kids and grandkids who were not able to be there were missed. Christmas Day was spent with Tim's family in Utica. Judi, Dan, Kristin, and Jamie were there. Rosemary and Ed of course went overboard with the gifts(thank you), and the food was delicious as usual. We had a lot of laughs and the night ended way too soon. We hope that everyone who was not with us had a wonderful Christmas and know you were missed very much.


Tara said...

We had so much fun with you guys too!

Mike, Lisa, Michael and the peanut Gallery said...

I love having all of you!!