Even though the weather was not very good, we still had a fun 4th of July. Angela was camping up at Indian Lake in the Adirondacks with her gymnast friend Bailey and her family, and even though it was cold and windy, she had a lot of fun. We started with fireworks on Friday night up in Brewerton. Amanda's friends Mike and Kaitlyn, along with Dianne,Jake, Lisa,Mike, and Michael joined us on the Brewerton Bridge. It was really windy, but they were able to set off the fireworks. Tim didn't enjoy the company of the "Pabst Blue Ribbon" crowd, so he, along with Jake left before the fireworks even started. I will admit the crowd was a bit "colorful", so per Amanda's request we moved to the opposite side of the bridge. We could not see the fireworks as well, but it was definitely more family friendly. We planned to go out on the boat on Saturday, but again the weather did not cooperate, way to windy. So Amanda had some friends over, and Mark and Brandon Hood stopped by. It was a quieter 4th of July then we are used to, we usually have a party at our house, but it was very relaxing. We will definitely be ready for next year's 4th, weather permitting!